Moving to Iqaluit, near the North Polo

George Benaroya
8 min readJun 22, 2022


Jobs pay twice as much. International students could get a college education paid for by part-time work. Amazon Prime delivers to Iqaluit at no extra charge. No roads to anywhere else. Liquor and Cannabis are legal. The highest fertility rate in Canada and other socio-economic challenges impact the quality of life of local Inuits (Eskimos). Those who want to make a difference love it here and work with Inuits who are role models for others.

I am not a scientist; how people make decisions is what intrigues me. For me, it’s more fun to visit schools, hospitals, courthouses, and local libraries; ride on public buses, and do store checks, than go hiking or have the driver pick me up at the airport. My Google reviews, about how much things cost and work, exceed 120 million views. I spent three days in Iqaluit, the closest city to the North Pole, and met fascinating people. They told me why they love living in Iqaluit, and I kept asking the reason for the awful socio-economic conditions. What can we learn from Iqaluit?

Jobs pay twice as much

Jobs pay twice as much. Young people are assigned senior, fulfilling jobs with decision-making opportunities, and college grads make over C$100,000. Older people benefit by having substantially higher income during the last years, leading to a higher pension. Teachers make C$106,193. Interested? Apply now. Drawbacks: plenty of vacant positions mean you have to work harder, and the cost of living is twice more expensive.

Get a college education paid for by part-time work

Each week, many international students write asking me for tips on how to pay for an education in North America. Canada is a hidden jewel. Jobs in Iqaluit pay C$30 per hour. Work 20 hours a week to make C$30,000, more than enough to pay the full tuition cost and all living expenses. International students are not restricted to jobs on-campus. In Canada, tuition costs one-fourth of the U.S. That’s C$5,428 (photo) or US$4,164. After that, move to NYC, do a master’s at NYU, and take my class. 😊

The cost of living in Iqaluit is high

Overall, groceries cost twice as much as elsewhere in Canada. Yeah, that is C$31 for a gallon of juice.

Amazon Prime delivers to Iqaluit at no extra charge

Head & Shoulders costs C$15 in local stores and C$6 on Free delivery with Amazon Prime. Delivery takes roughly two weeks.

Mail is picked up at the post office

For Christmas, locals order in October because the line to pick up parcels at the Post Office is two blocks long (at -40C). All mail and parcels must be picked up at the Postal Office; there is no charge for P.O. Boxes.

No roads to anywhere else

There are a couple of miles of roads in town, but there are no roads to anywhere else. It’s hard for the vision-impaired couple who moved here, there are no sidewalks. I walked from the airport to town, a pleasant 40-minute walk- in the summer. You won’t find the Road to Nowhere sign on the photo. It keeps getting stolen so the city stopped replacing it.

More taxis than anywhere else

There are nearly 100 taxis for 7,000 inhabitants or seven times more per capita than in NYC. Rides cost US$6/C$8 anywhere. There are no public buses, except for the school.

Highest suicide rate

The suicide rate in Iqaluit is among the highest in the world. Nine times higher than in the rest of Canada, according to Statistics Canada. Depression; socioeconomic factors, including household income, employment status, education; social isolation, sexual abuse, alcohol, and drug abuse are contributing factors.

Liquor and Cannabis are legal

A beer costs US$5 at a local bar. You can also buy alcohol and cannabis at the government-run store. In other parts of Nunavut, where alcohol is prohibited, a bottle of Vodka sells for C$650, US$500 (not a typo).

Sexual abuse exceeds 50%

52 percent of women and 22 percent of men in Nunavut said they experienced severe sexual abuse during childhood. “Has it always been the case?” I asked. I spoke only to around 40 people, which is not a large enough number to comment on this. The paper on the link has comprehensive research.

Ten people live in one room. Iqaluit housing crisis.

A housing shortage translates into ten people living in one room, or worse. A basic housing unit would cost at least C$400,000, or three times more than in Edmonton. The high cost of labor and transport of construction materials is the main reason. The Nunavut government has devised a creative idea of using shipping containers as housing units for US$40,000 each. It appears that the housing shortage directly impacts folks’ ability to get and keep jobs. “Why didn’t you come to work?” a friend asked a colleague. “I hadn’t showered in a week and was ashamed,” she replied.

The highest fertility rate in Canada

Nunavut has the highest fertility rate in Canada: 2.75 children per woman, compared to a national average of 1.5. On my tour of Arctic College, I found plenty of educational material on contraception and STDs prevention.

Elementary, Middle, and High School education

Less than 28% of Inuit and over 80% of non-Inuit have a college degree. Nunavut has the lowest percentage of high-school graduates within its working-age population in Canada, despite spending proportionately the most money on education. The Principal at the elementary school mentioned that roughly 95% of kids attend elementary school, but after the Pandemic, it has been hard to recruit them back; parents worry they will bring Covid back to the family.

Schools are critical. For many families, they provide students with their only meals, as well as mental health support. Students prefer to be in school.

Daycare waiting line: forever

At US$45 per day, daycare is cheaper than in the U.S. “How long would I typically have to wait?” I asked at a daycare. “We may never find you a slot,” the director replied.

Elsewhere in Canada, daycare solutions may inspire the U.S. Like, in Sweden, it’s run by small, private local operators who receive government subsidies. In Alberta, the subsidy covers 75% of the cost for those making less than US$150,000.

Seeing a doctor costs C$900

Iqaluit General Hospital is good. In a few minutes, I was seen by a doctor at the E.R. The cost? Higher than the US: C$900 per visit. I explained that I was researching and the doctor mentioned that the cost is cheaper in Toronto, C$630. There are only basic services provided though, and the waiting period for outpatient services is a few months.

Iqaluit has high rates of diabetes, obesity, sexually transmitted infections, suicide, tuberculosis, and the country’s highest rate of infant mortality.

Iqaluit courthouse. An inspiration for Manhattan

When friends visit me in NYC, I take them to the NYPL and the NY Criminal Court (it has sessions on weekends, when I have time). Sessions in Canada are also open to the public, and the facilities in Iqaluit are substantially better. This Court hears all cases for Nunavut, an area of two million kilometers, larger than France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, and ten other European countries combined. One case was about a resident of Resolute (population 198), who was put on house arrest because his grandchildren are also the jail guards. He couldn’t make it In-Person because the police plane that was going to pick him up couldn’t make it until Friday. Simultaneous translation was provided. Both the public defender and prosecutor are young women, doing an excellent job. They addressed the judge as “your worship”, and the state as “the Crown.”

Who moves to Iqaluit?

Folks in medium-paying jobs move to Iqaluit for the extra pay, and those in senior positions to make a difference. Inuits, aka Eskimos, make now less than 60% of the population.

Iqaluit’s food bank

The highlight of the trip was visiting the local food bank. Three hundred meals are delivered per day, which would be like delivering 700,000 in NYC. The food is fresh, nutritious, and delicious. I tried the Caribou soup. There is plenty of educational information and job postings. Several trainings are conducted by folks visiting from elsewhere.

A role model for Inuits

I had the opportunity to lunch with the Food Bank Director, an Inuit, who is making a meaningful difference to many families in the community. “How did you make it?” I asked. “My family made a difference,” she replied.

Lessons from Iqaluit

Many move to Nunavut to make a difference. Others to save. While it’s hard in the beginning, they settle and build lasting friendships with the local Inuit community. How do we attract immigrants and Canadians to Nunavut? Or should they leave altogether? How do we build housing units if we can’t get enough workers? Prohibition in rural areas increases the cost of alcohol tenfold. Is there a better way? The pandemic taught us that mental health, in some cases, can be provided remotely. Would that work? Amazon Prime delivers at a loss, reducing the cost by half. Should that be prohibited or encouraged? Feel free to message me or leave your comments below.


This story was initially published on Linkedin. Read more content from the class I teach at NYU here.

George Benaroya



George Benaroya
George Benaroya

Written by George Benaroya

VP Finance, Global Controller, CFO | P&G, Tetra Pak, Nivea| Strategy executed in 180 countries ►Profitable growth| NYU Faculty

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